We at CCISCA wish you a Happy Halloween! Here's the latest news from our agency.
What You Should Know About Prop 33
Currently in California, consumers can receive continuous coverage discount for having auto insurance. But, if they switch insurance companies, the discount doesn’t transfer to another company. Prop 33, otherwise known as the 2012 Automobile Insurance Discount Act, will allow consumers to change their insurers and keep their continuous coverage discount. Consumers will be encouraged to shop for the best deal, which creates more competition between insurance companies and lower prices. The act will allow more people to have insurance, including ones who have a lapse in coverage due to:
- Active military service
- Unemployment for up to 18 months due to layoffs or furloughs
- 90 days or less over the past 5 years
Prop 33 also allows driving age children to be provided a discount based upon their parent’s eligibility for the continuous coverage discount, even if they aren’t living at home. A proportional discount will be provided to the uninsured as well to encourage them to eventually have continuous discount coverage.
Consumers in 48 other states can switch insurers and still receive the discount, so why shouldn’t Californian's ? CCISCA believes in rewarding you for being responsible drivers and support this proposition. Learn more about the benefits of Proposition 33 by visiting
Facebook Contest Winner!
We would like to congratulate the September winner of our Facebook “Like” contest, Mitch Darnell. Owner of Sacgroom and a professor at Los Rios Community District, Mitch has been a client of CCISCA for several years. Here is what Mitch had to say.

"I am stoked about winning an ARCO Gift Card!! With the rising gas prices, this is awesome!!
Thank you to the team at Cliff Cottam Insurance! You guys are 110% for your Clients - Unfortunately I've had to rely on you more than I would've preferred, and you all have come through for me every time.. With compassion, tremendous patience, and due diligence! Winning a Gift Card is great "icing on the cake" - THANK YOU!!"
2012 American Agents Alliance Convention
Last September, our very own Cliff and Diana attended the 50th anniversary American Agents Alliance Convention & Expo. A board member of American Agents Alliance, Cliff Cottam has remained up-to-date with the latest information and issues throughout the insurance industry in California. Having worked in the insurance field for more than 50 years, Cliff and his wife traveled all the way to Desert Springs to share and communicate insights with other professionals at the Agents Alliance Convention.
Here is Cliff and Diana with Marilyn Monroe and Dean Martin at the Legends Dinner.